Campus News

Search committee named for grad studies vice provost

Brooks Hall is the home of the University of Georgia’s Graduate School. (Photo by Dorothy Kozlowski)

Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost S. Jack Hu has appointed a 15-member committee to begin a national search for candidates for the position of vice provost for graduate education and dean of the Graduate School at the University of Georgia.

The committee is chaired by Linda Kirk Fox, dean of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, and it includes faculty, staff and student representation. The national search follows a review of the Graduate School conducted by Fox and several committee members.

“Elevating the leadership of the Graduate School to the vice provost level at the University of Georgia signals the important role graduate and professional education plays in promoting research and innovation across all the disciplines,” Hu said. “I appreciate the dedication of the committee members and look forward to meeting with the finalists for this critical position.”

Faculty, staff, students or community members who wish to nominate candidates for consideration are invited to contact Michael Luthi, director of the UGA Search Group, at

In addition to Fox, the search committee members are:

  • Michelle Ballif, professor and head of the department of English in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
  • Cheri Bliss, director of graduate admissions and student services in the Graduate School
  • Beate Brunow, director of academic partnerships and initiatives in the Division of Student Affairs
  • Amy Ellis, professor of mathematics education in the College of Education
  • Noel Fallows, Distinguished Research Professor of Spanish and associate provost for global engagement
  • Georgia Harrison Hall, associate professor in the College of Environment and Design and chair of the policy and planning committee of the Graduate Council
  • Shelley Hooks, associate professor of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences in the College of Pharmacy and associate vice president in the Office of Research
  • Lawrence Hornak, professor of electrical and computer engineering in the College of Engineering and associate vice president for integrative team initiatives in the Office of Research
  • Angela Hsiung, doctoral student in the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
  • Peter Jutras, professor and director of the Hugh Hodgson School of Music
  • Erin Lipp, professor of environmental health science and associate dean for academic affairs in the College of Public Health
  • Thomas Mote, Distinguished Research Professor of geography and associate dean in the Franklin College
  • Mike Pfarrer, professor of management and associate dean for research and graduate programs in the Terry College of Business
  • Franklin West, associate professor of animal and dairy science in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Ron Walcott, a professor of plant pathology in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences who has served as associate dean of the Graduate School since 2017, is currently serving as interim dean of the Graduate School. The former dean of the Graduate School, Suzanne Barbour, was named dean of the Graduate School at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

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