Campus News

Graduate student conference

The Graduate Student Association invites members of the UGA community to attend the fourth annual Georgia Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Conference, to be held at the Student Learning Center on Feb. 20 and 21.

The conference will feature research presentations by graduate and professional students from across Georgia. All research presented will bridge the customary boundaries between separate academic disciplines; topics will range from the design of electronic noses to children’s acquisition of language.

The Friday afternoon workshops are designed to help graduate students get the most out of academic and professional conferences. Topics include poster design, conference presentations, professional etiquette and conference networking.

The keynote luncheon speaker, on Feb. 21, will be Stephen B.W. Roeder, professor of physics and chemistry and director of the M.A. in liberal arts and sciences at San Diego State University. Roeder’s research on nuclear magnetic resonance imaging crosses disciplinary boundaries in physics, chemistry, medicine, engineering, computer science and information theory. His address is entitled “The New Humanism Project: The Reinvigoration of the Humanities by Science and Technology and the Expansion of Scientific Understanding by the Humanities.”

Conference attendance is free; reservations for the keynote luncheon are $10. Reservations must be made by Feb. 6.

Complete conference details and a registration form are on the Web: Address questions to or call GSA at 542‑1924.

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