Campus News

Hardin named 2011 Olney Medal recipient

Athens, Ga. – Ian Russell Hardin, Georgia Power Professor of Textile Science in the University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences, has been awarded the Olney Medal by the American Association of Textiles and Color Chemists for outstanding achievements in the field of textile chemistry. The award was presented at the annual AATCC meeting on March 24 in Charleston, S.C.

Hardin’s research has focused on developing environmentally friendly alternatives like enzymes to replace conventional chemicals used in textile processing. In addition to improving the cleanup of textile effluents and improving water quality, the results of Hardin’s research may save energy and reduce costs for textile manufacturers.

In addition, Hardin’s research has provided an international impetus in this field, affecting the textile industry’s environmental profile around the world. Hardin’s laboratory was the first to publicly report evidence that pectinase enzymes could effectively substitute for the conventional alkaline scouring of fabrics. Hardin researched white rot fungi to decolorize textile wastewater. Hardin has also collaborated with scientists involved in assessing chronic toxicity of textile effluents. Their work has shown the need for revision of standard effluent toxicity protocols.

Established in 1944 in honor of Louis Atwell Olney, the founder and first president of AATCC, the Olney Medal recognizes outstanding achievement in textile or polymer chemistry or other fields of chemistry of major importance to textile science. The award consists of a gold medal, a scroll, and an honorarium.

AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals and provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 60 countries around the world.

For more information on Hardin see

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