Campus News Science & Technology

Health Sciences Campus Update

The University of Georgia continues to make progress in renovating the 56-acre Health Sciences Campus, formerly the site of the U.S. Navy Supply Corps School. The first-phase of renovation is scheduled to begin in early July, and work to create a child care facility on the campus for UGA faculty, staff and students is already underway. The following information is provided as part of an effort to keep the community informed about the UGA Health Sciences Campus, a significant addition to the university.

First Phase Renovation
Three buildings will be renovated in Phase 1 within a budget of $11.4 million.

• The heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system of Miller Hall will be updated to accommodate the first units of the College of Public Health (CPH) to move to the HSC, the department of epidemiology and biostatistics, and the Institute for Evidence-Based Health Professions Education. Work will begin in early July and be completed for a December 2011 move-in by the departments.

• Office space inside Winnie Davis Hall will be reconfigured to accommodate the administrative offices of the Georgia Health Sciences University/University of Georgia Medical Partnership. Renovation will begin in September and be completed for a July 2012 move-in by the Medical Partnership.

• Major renovations of Russell Hall will allow this building to function as the primary classroom facility for the Health Sciences Campus. The first floor will house faculty offices and clinical teaching space for the GHSU/UGA Medical Partnership. The second floor will consist of multipurpose classrooms for use by both CPH and the Medical Partnership. The first floor will be gutted and redone, and there is significant work to be done on the HVAC and electrical/mechanical systems, as well as to ensure access for people with disabilities. Demolition work on the first floor will begin in July 2011, with renovation occurring from September through June. The building will be ready for occupation in July 2012.

A related project on the Health Sciences Campus, funded separately from the renovation of the academic buildings, will create a child care facility for UGA faculty, staff and students. Demolition work at the future child care facility-the former Navy Exchange Building-began in May and renovation will soon follow. The child care facility is scheduled to open in January 2012, with recruitment and registration beginning in fall 2010.

In addition, University Housing is preparing several of the townhouses on Kenny Road and Gilmore Circle to be marketed to visiting scholars beginning in fall 2011.

Previous updates in this series are available here. For additional information on the UGA Health Sciences Campus, contact Kathy Pharr at 706/542-1361 or

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