Amazing Students Profiles

Melvin Hines, Jr.

Melvin Hines

Melvin Hines, Jr. maintains high grades and also aims to make an impact in society. He has been a Presidential Scholar and been on Dean’s List while leading an initiative to mentor students at the Thomas Lay Center in Athens and tutoring students in the Rocksprings housing community. He has been a big brother with Big Brothers/Big Sisters for more than three years, and he recently started an organization called Corner Talk to create dialogue between faculty, students and community leaders on important issues. Last semester, the group spoke on such local issues as education and poverty and national issues such as hurricane relief efforts and national security. Last summer, he was chosen as one of 28 students worldwide to be a member of the Summer Undergraduate Research Program, where he spent eight weeks doing research, then wrote a ten-page paper, an oral presentation and a poster presentation. He is a member of the Georgia Recruitment Team and the University Judiciary.


Albany, Georgia

High School:

Albany High School

Degree objective:

B.B.A. in Economics

Expected graduation:

May 2006

University highlights, achievements, awards and scholarships:

I was accepted as a CURO (Center for Undergrad Research Opportunities) Apprentice, where I served for two years before being nominated by my peers to serve as a CURO Senior Peer Advisor and help teach my class. I am also a member of the CURO Advisory Board. While in CURO, I conducted research with James Bason on the role media is playing in the War on Terror. I also led a National Issues Forum on News Media and Society. I highlighted the results of the forum, and it was published on the National Issue Forum Web site. I have also facilitated forums about American immigration and one entitled, “Who is College For?” For these moderations, I received training at the Public Policy Institute at the Carter Library and received a certificate of participation. The following year, I served on the steering committee for PPI 2005, and also taught a class on how to moderate. I received a Certificate of Achievement for participating and teaching.

Current Employment:

Currently, I am employed as a resident assistant in Reed Hall. As an RA, I handle a number of group programs for my residents, serve on duty throughout the semester, and have tackled such emergencies as fires, emotional distress, and relationship situations. I also work at the front desk in Reed Hall throughout the semester.

I chose to attend UGA because…

…there are many activities to get involved in here. At first I felt that I would get lost, but I actually found that I could make a name for myself on this campus. I enjoy meeting all the students from different backgrounds also. Many of my freshman hallmates were from very diverse places, and I continue to stay friends with many of them now. I am not sure I could have found all this at any other university in Georgia. Finally, since I am from south Georgia and had never been to Athens, I was interested in going someplace I had never been before.

My favorite things to do on campus are…

…trying to stay in shape at the Ramsey Center. I also enjoy checking out the newest things going on at the Tate Plaza, or I am in Memorial Hall working on things in Judiciary. My favorite thing to do on campus though is to hang out with whomever I know that comes into the Oglethorpe Hall Dining Commons. You can find me in there for hours.

When I have free time, I like…

…to go and play either tennis or basketball. I also create songs for other people. I usually use a software program to create the songs, and I find people who want unique types of music. I also like going to movies or going out to eat with my friends.

The craziest thing I’ve done is…

…walk to the IHOP on Baxter Street during the winter with my roommate. It was pretty cold outside, but my roommate and I were really hungry and my car was in the shop. We only had a little money and a 2-for-1 coupon, so we decided to walk to the restaurant from the dorms thinking it wouldn’t take that long. However, it took much longer than we expected, and we were very tired by the time we got there. For us though, the adventure was definitely worth it.

My favorite place to study is…

…the Oglethorpe Hall Dining Commons. For late-night studying, I am usually downtown at The Grill. For spring finals, I usually study at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia, and sometimes, in the past, I have just rode around in the back of a bus to study.

My favorite professor is…

I have two. First is Robert Pratt, who taught my freshman history course. I enjoyed my class with Professor Pratt because he made it very meaningful and interesting. Many students found his class hard—which it was—but I found him to be very engaging. He taught me a lot about the history and desegregation of the university. Also, through him, I was able to meet Dr. Donald Hollowell in person before he passed. My second favorite professor is Pamela Kleiber, who led my CURO courses. Dr. Kleiber is a pretty busy woman, but she always makes time for me. She is always asking me what I am up to and how I am doing, and she makes sure that I am staying on top of everything.

If I knew I could not fail, I would…

…bring all those teachers, family members, and friends who have encouraged, disciplined, and supported me into one large room and tell each of them how thankful I am that they are a part of my life. There are so many to whom I owe my successes, and I think it would take forever to let them all know how grateful I am.

The one UGA experience I will always remember will be…

…the Outkast concert at Stegeman Coliseum during Homecoming 2003. I have always been a huge fan of the group, and I probably will never have the opportunity to see them that close again. I will definitely always remember that concert…at least as vividly as I will remember the hours I spent waiting in line to buy tickets for it.

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