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International expert on populations under stress due to emergencies to give lecture

International expert on populations under stress due to emergencies to give lecture at College of Public Health

Athens, Ga. – Internationally recognized researcher, Ruvie Rogel will deliver a lecture entitled “The Art of Bouncing Back-Personal and Community Resiliency: Experience from Israel and around the Globe” at 11 a.m. on May 14 in Room 175 of the University of Georgia Paul D. Coverdell Center for Biomedical Health Sciences.

Rogel is an expert on emergency management, populations under stress and community-based approaches used to reduce those stresses. As deputy CEO of the Community Stress Prevention Center in Kiryat Shmona, Israel, he deals with the psycho-social impacts of mass traumatic events on the population. Previously, Rogel served as the director of the International School for Community Emergency Management at Tel Hai College in Israel.

Rogel received his Ph.D. in educational leadership from the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom from where he also received an MsC in human resources management and training. He earned a B.A. in psychology from Tel Aviv University.

Over the past 27 years, Rogel has become increasingly interested in community resiliency and stress related to disasters. He has provided training for community, health and education professionals in Sri Lanka and Ethiopia. In Uganda, he evaluated intervention programs at camps for refugees and the children who were kidnapped and forced to be soldiers. In the U.S., he worked with communities after Hurricane Katrina and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. During the Lebanese War rocket attacks in summer 2006, he lived and worked in a bomb shelter.

This lecture is funded by a gift from Dr. Harold and Milly Solomon.

A physician practicing in Boston, Harold Solomon has been on the “Best Doctors in America” list since 1994. An associate clinical professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, he has received numerous national honors and awards for his contributions to medicine.

But when asked to describe himself, he simply says that he is “a product of Georgia public schools.” He attended grade school and high school in Savannah, earned his bachelor of science degree from the University of Georgia in 1961 and completed medical school at the Medical College of Georgia.

His wife, Milly Pincus Solomon, also attended UGA.

Grateful for the education they received in Georgia, the Solomons’ gift has enabled them to give back to their home state and reflects their connection to UGA’s Jewish community.

The UGA College of Public Health promotes health in human populations through innovative research, exemplary education and engaged service dedicated to preventing disease and injury within the state and around the world./

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