
International pathobiologist Tony Goldberg to deliver two lectures at the University of Georgia

International pathobiologist Tony Goldberg to deliver two lectures at the University of Georgia

Athens, Ga.- Dr. Tony Goldberg, a pathobiologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is presenting two lectures at the University of Georgia this week as part of a joint effort by the Biomedical and Health Sciences Institute and the College of Veterinary Medicine. His seminar, “Ecology of Health and Disease in the People, Primates and Domestic Animals of Kibale National Park, Uganda,” will be presented on March 6 at 4 p.m. in the Ecology Building Auditorium. This lecture is part of the monthly Ecology of Infectious Disease Lecture Series sponsored by the BHSI and the College of Public Health.

In addition, Dr. Goldberg also will present a seminar, “Fish n’ Chimps: Adventures of an Evolutionary Anthropological Veterinary Epidemiologist,” on March 7 in room H237 of the College of Veterinary Medicine. This seminar is part of a new Science of Veterinary Medicine Lecture Series developed by Dr. Margie Lee and Dr. Susan Sanchez for recruiting graduate students for combined D.V.M./Ph.D. programs and the Veterinary Scholars Program.

Dr. Goldberg’s research focuses on the epidemiology and evolutionary ecology of infectious disease. His laboratory employs epidemiological and molecular techniques to help reconstruct patterns by which pathogens spread within and between host populations, across complex landscapes and over time. This involves a combination of evolutionary biology, epidemiology, ecology and molecular biology. Dr. Goldberg is involved in training students in his research, which focuses on four distinct areas: primates, pigs, West Nile virus and fish.

One of his most highly published studies has been on people employed in chimpanzee-focused research and tourism in a western Uganda park who were exchanging gastrointestinal bacteria-E. coli-with local chimpanzee populations. Some of the E. coli strains migrating to chimps have been resistant to antibiotics used by humans in Uganda.

Dr. Goldberg is a graduate of the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. He received a Ph.D. in biological anthropology from Harvard University and an M.S. in epidemiology from the University of Illinois.

Both lectures are open to the public. For more information, see www.biomed.uga.edu or www.vet.uga.edu.

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