Campus News

Jessica Kissinger, Nationial Associate of Nationial Research Council

Jessica Kissinger is a UGA professor of genetics

Jessica Kissinger, associate professor of ­genetics, has been named a National Associate of the National Research Council. The honorary title, bestowed by the Council of the National Academy of Sciences, recognizes extraordinary service for both the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine.

Kissinger has been an active participant in the Frontiers of Science program, an annual national and ­international symposia organized by the National Academies of Science. The invitation-only series brings together diverse top-notch scholars age 45 and younger to exchange ideas on cutting-edge research in all areas of the sciences. She has participated in three German-American Frontiers symposia and was the U.S. co-chair for the meeting in 2006. Kissinger is an organizer for the first French-American symposium, the Kavli ­Frontiers of Science meeting, that will be held Nov. 20-23 in Roscoff, France.


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