Campus News

Learn piano as a part of a research study

The UGA Institute of Gerontology is looking for people aged 65 years and older to be in a study on music learning and memory.

Those who are experiencing forgetfulness and are able to travel to campus each week for six months may be eligible to participate. Researchers will provide music lessons and a keyboard to take home for practice.

Incentives for participation include six months of piano instruction and a total of $100 ($30 after cognition testing, $30 after three months of lessons and $40 at the end of the study.) Those who complete six months of lessons will be given the keyboard to keep.

The study location is the UGA Institute of Gerontology, located at 102 Spear Road, Athens, GA, 30602. Free parking is included.

Call 706-542-2539 or email for more information.

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