Campus News

Legion Pool to open May 23 for summer season

Legion Pool Volleyball 2014-h
Legion Pool.

Legion Pool at the University of Georgia will open on May 23 for the summer season. Hours of operation are 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily through July 31 and 3-7 p.m. Aug. 1-8.

Use of Legion Pool is limited to students with valid UGACards who pay activity fees on the Athens campus; faculty and staff with valid UGACards; guests of students, faculty and staff; and Friends of Campus Life members. All guests must be accompanied by the UGACard holder.

Admission is $3 for students, $4 for faculty and staff, $3 for children ages 3-15 (who must be accompanied by an adult) and $5 for guests and members of Friends of Campus Life.

Friends of Campus Life memberships are available for a minimum $40 donation at the pool. Membership dues help to support the student programs and services offered by the Tate Student Center.

An open house will be held on May 22 from 1-6 p.m.; swimming will not be permitted, but passes will be sold at the pool concession window.

Legion Pool is administered by the Tate Student Center within UGA’s Division of Student Affairs.

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