Campus News

Legion Pool to open May 26 for summer season

Legion Pool behind lifeguard 2014-h
Legion Pool

Athens, Ga. – Legion Pool at the University of Georgia will open on May 26 for the summer season. Hours of operation are 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily through Aug. 1 and 3-7 p.m. Aug. 2-7.

Use of Legion Pool is limited to students with valid UGACards who pay activity fees on the Athens campus; faculty and staff with valid UGACards; guests of students, faculty and staff; and Friends of Campus Life members. All guests must be accompanied by the UGACard holder.

Admission is $3 for students, $4 for faculty and staff, $3 for children ages 3-15 (who must be accompanied by an adult) and $5 for guests and members of Friends of Campus Life.

Friends of Campus Life memberships are available for a minimum $40 donation at the Tate Student Center business office, open weekdays from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Membership dues help to support the student programs and services offered by the Tate Student Center.

Passes will be sold at the pool concession window on May 25 from 1-6 p.m.

Legion Pool is administered by the Tate Student Center within UGA’s Division of Student Affairs.

For more information, visit or call 706-542-7774.

UGA Student Affairs
The Division of Student Affairs comprises 18 campus departments that enhance the learning environment for students at the University of Georgia by stimulating the learning process, integrating the in-class and out-of-class experiences, promoting an environment conducive to growth and discovery and facilitating intellectual, spiritual, social, occupational, physical, cultural and emotional development. For more information, see



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