Campus News

Lessen the impact of an emergency

Emergencies come in all types. These safety tips provide basic preparedness ideas and information that would be helpful in the event of an emergency at UGA:

• Know the nearest emergency exits and emergency plans for your building.

• Know the location of first aid stations or kits and fire alarms in the buildings you frequent.

• Be aware of your surroundings.

• Report any suspicious persons or activity to the UGA Police Department at 706-542-2200.

• Have emergency phone numbers and emergency plan nearby.

• Know where to go and what to do in an emergency.

• Share emergency plan information with faculty, staff and students in residence halls, classrooms, labs or campus buildings.

• Be alert to official UGA announcements regarding alerts and information. These can come from UGAAlert, TV, radio, websites and scrolling message signs.

• Keep your emergency contact information up-to-date in UGAAlert at

• Get training in first aid and CPR.

• Assemble an emergency kit and have it readily available for an emergency.

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