
Marriage and family expert to share findings at UGA

Marriage and family expert to share findings at UGA

Athens, Ga. – Paul R. Amato, Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Penn State University, will present findings published in his book, “Alone Together: How Marriage in America is Changing,” on Friday, Feb. 6, at 3:30 p.m. in room 348 of the Zell B. Miller Learning Center on the University of Georgia campus. This event is free and open to the public.

Amato is an internationally recognized expert on marital quality, the causes and consequences of divorce, and parent-child relations over the life course. He also is one of the most frequently cited scholars in his discipline.

His presentation is co-sponsored by the College of Family and Consumer Sciences Department of Child and Family Development, the Department of Sociology, and the Institute for Behavioral Research.

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