Campus News Society & Culture

Media Advisory: UGA to dedicate University Childcare Center on Jan. 25

Athens, Ga. – The University of Georgia will hold a dedication ceremony for the University Childcare Center on Jan. 25 at 9 a.m. in its new facility located at 111 Bowstrom Road on the UGA Health Sciences Campus.

UGA President Michael F. Adams will deliver remarks and will be joined in cutting the ceremonial ribbon by children enrolled at the center. Media will be allowed to tour the center, and UCC Director Nadia Perez will be available to answer questions on the center’s daily operation.

The UCC opened earlier this month and offers care to children of UGA faculty, staff and students as well as children from the community when space allows. The center can serve up to 146 children ages six weeks through four years. It is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Some part-time slots also are available. Up to 20 percent of the children may qualify for a discounted rate based on family income.

The center is licensed by the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning and meets the National Association for the Education of Young Children standards in the areas of curriculum and staffing including student-to-teacher ratios, group size and continuing education for teachers.

For more information on the center, see or call 706/227-5316.


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