Campus News

Meetings set for comment on draft NBAF report

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security will seek public comment on the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility Draft Environmental Impact Statement at two meetings Aug. 14 in Mahler Auditorium at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education Conference Center and Hotel.

UGA has led the effort to bring the NBAF to Athens.

“The draft EIS provides a very detailed assessment of the environmental impacts and risks and benefits of the facility for the six sites under consideration. Importantly, it is a draft,” said David Lee, vice president for research. “The meetings provide a valuable opportunity for DHS to summarize that report and for the community to ask questions that will be addressed in the final EIS delivered in the fall.”

Afternoon and evening sessions, identical in format, will be held. During a one-hour open house, meeting participants may register to provide oral comments on a first-come, first-served basis, view information materials and speak informally with subject matter experts.

The open house will be followed by a presentation on the NBAF Draft EIS. Oral comments, recorded by a court reporter, will follow. Comments will be made in the order that individuals sign up. There will be a three-minute limit for each speaker. Times will be indicated on the sign-up sheet so that speakers will know approximately when they will be called to the microphone.

The comment period ends Aug. 25. A copy of the report and further information on ways to comment is available online (

Meeting schedule
Afternoon session, Aug. 14
12:30 p.m. Open house
1:30 p.m. Presentation

2:30-4:30 p.m.
Formal Comment Period
Evening session, Aug. 14
6 p.m. Open house
7 p.m. Presentation
8-10 p.m.
Formal Comment Period



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