Campus News

Microbiology prof named PSO Fellow for spring semester

Anna Karls, an associate professor of microbiology, has been selected as a Public Service and Outreach Fellow for spring 2011.

Karls’ fellowship experience in the Fanning Institute includes participation in institute activities to improve the quality of life in Georgia communities through community solutions, economic inclusion, leadership education and voluntary action.

She is using her fellowship experience to enhance and develop graduate courses in community engagement scholarship and practices. Consistent with UGA’s land-grant mission, she is interested in helping to establish a graduate certificate in community engagement and an engagement portfolio program, which would be modeled on UGA’s interdisciplinary graduate certificate in university teaching and teaching portfolio program.

Steve Wrigley, interim vice president for public service and outreach, created the Public Service and Outreach Fellowship Program to provide tenure-track and tenured faculty members with the opportunity to immerse themselves in a public service and outreach unit for one semester, thereby enriching the work of the unit while providing the faculty Fellow with research and outreach opportunities to benefit communities.

The Public Service and Outreach units include the Archway Partnership, the Carl Vinson Institute of Government, the Fanning Institute, the Georgia Center for Continuing Education Conference Center and Hotel, Marine Extension Service, the Office of Service-Learning, the Small Business Development Center and the State Botanical Garden of Georgia.

This is the first semester of the Public Service and Outreach Fellows Program. Proposals are currently being sought for the 2011 fall semester.

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