
New officers and chairs

Arch Foundation elects new officers and chairs

New officers and committee chairs were elected at the spring meeting of the Arch Foundation for the University of Georgia. They were joined by three new advisory trustees who will begin their terms July 1. The Arch Foundation supports UGA through dedevelopment, fundraising, and careful investment and by providing advice and consultation to the university’s leadership. Six of the board members who completed their first terms this year were also elected to second terms at the meeting, which was held in Athens on the UGA campus.

The newly elected officers of the Arch Foundation are:

  • Andrew M. “Jack” Head, chair
  • F. Sheffield Hale, vice chair
  • Keith W. Mason, treasurer and Finance and Compensation Committee chair and
  • Sarah Corn “Abby” Irby, secretary

New committee chairs include:

  • John Phinizy Spalding, Development and Public Affairs Committee
  • Stan W. Shelton, Investment Committee
  • Daniel P. Amos, Nominating and Governance Committee
  • James E. Butler Jr., Audit Committee

Donald A. Perry joined the Executive Committee as its new at-large member.

Three new advisory trustees will begin serving in July:

  • Henry D. “Greg” Gregory Jr.
  • Sarah A. Lorberbaum
  • Robert H. Stolz

Gregory is an alumnus of the university and a former practitioner/lecturer in the UGA Terry College of Business who has nearly 30 years experience in real estate. He is the founder of Industrial Developments International, an industrial real estate and international development company that, under his leadership, developed more than 130 million square feet of industrial space and grew to $498 million in wholly owned assets and another $486 million in joint venture assets. His extensive civic activities include support for the arts, land preservation, and professional societies. Gregory resides in Atlanta, Ga. with his wife Amanda Alston Gregory. They have two grown children. Their gifts have established the Amanda and Greg Gregory Chair in Civil War Era History at UGA. Gregory also sits on the Dean’s Council of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences.

Lorberbaum lives in Chattanooga, Tenn., where she served as a director for Allied Arts at Girls Preparatory School. She and her husband Jeff, who is chairman of the board, president, and CEO of Mohawk Industries, Inc., have supported the university through the Jeff and Sarah Lorberbaum MBA Fellowships and have given to the planned Special Collections Library, the Georgia Museum of Art’s Phase II expansion, and the university’s Venture Fund. Their son, Brian, is currently a student in the UGA Terry College of Business.

Stolz graduated from UGA in 1985 with a degree in political science. While at the university, he was a member of Kappa Alpha and Gridiron. He is married to the former Anne Howard, who received her BSED in Early Childhood Education in 1985 from UGA. Stolz is the chief executive officer of North America for the Wurth Group International, a worldwide leader in selling cabinet supplies and automotive parts. Before his career in distribution, Stolz served as vice president and director of business development for Southern Bank Group in Atlanta and earlier served as the legislative affairs director for Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young. He has a long list of professional and community involvement, including serving as the head of the North Carolina Economic Development Board and chair of the North Carolina Chamber of Commerce. His gifts established the Robert Stolz Holding Fund at UGA. Robert and Anne live in Charlotte with their 14-year-old twins, Robert, Jr. and Mary Gray.

In addition to these three new advisory trustees, six trustees who completed their first terms this year were elected to a second term at the spring meeting:

  • Otis A. Brumby Jr.
  • Frederick E. Cooper
  • Norman S. Fletcher
  • Jack Head
  • Abby Irby
  • John Spalding


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