Campus News

OID symposium will focus on promoting diversity, inclusion

The Office of Institutional Diversity will host a symposium, “Promoting Diversity and Inclusion through Institutional Change,” Oct. 21 from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education Conference Center and Hotel.

Open to members of the UGA community, the symposium also is expected to draw participants from other universities and colleges in the University System of Georgia and the Southeast.

“This broader audience ensures more diverse perspectives and the opportunity to share successful strategies that could benefit all who engage in diversity work,” said Cheryl Dozier, associate provost for institutional diversity at UGA. “Diverse, inclusive campuses throughout the region prepare students to be global citizens who value and respect persons from all backgrounds and experiences.”

Registration information can be obtained from OID by phone at (706) 583-8195 or by e-mail at The deadline to register is Oct. 14.

Symposium participants can attend one of two concurrent morning sessions and one of two concurrent afternoon ses­sions. The morning sessions will be held from 9:30-11:45 a.m. The afternoon ­sessions will be held from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Featured speakers  include faculty and administrators from UGA, Kennesaw State University and Georgia College and State

One of the morning sessions will focus on creating and implementing an institutional diversity plan. Led by Steve O. Michael, chief diversity officer at Kent State University, the session which will be of particular interest to those working in diversity who wish to engage in this strategic process at their institutions, said Dozier.

The second morning session, intended for deans, department heads and members of faculty search committees, will provide specific recruitment strategies that can be used to attract a more diverse faculty applicant pool. Susan B. Herbst, executive vice chancellor and chief academic officer for the University System of Georgia, will give the symposium’s luncheon address.

The first afternoon session will feature a discussion on diversity resistance as a barrier to inclusion and retention. The second afternoon session will examine policies and practices that can be implemented at an institutional level to demonstrate a commitment to diversity.

“For everyone to feel valued and supported, there has to be an inclusive workplace culture,” said Dozer, who also heads UGA’s Diversity Advisory Council, which is developing an institutional diversity action plan to be adopted campus-wide. “Academic institutions must use a comprehensive approach to institutional change to achieve a diverse and inclusive campus of excellence.”

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