Campus News

Performing, visual, literary arts to share festival spotlight

The arts at UGA will be spotlighted during a nine-day festival in November when members of the UGA Arts Council will host events and activities that include concerts, theater and dance performances, art exhibitions, poetry readings, author panels and book signings, lectures and discussions on the arts and creativity, and more.

“The arts are an integral part of the fabric of UGA, a powerful thread that helps us define ourselves and our community,” said Provost Jere Morehead. “As the place where so many artists, writers, actors and musicians first find their voice, UGA offers a -richness of opportunity for members of the university community and audiences from throughout the area to participate in the arts.”

Highlights of the Nov. 3-11 schedule include the opening of a Jack Davis exhibition at the Georgia Museum of Art, concerts by the Atlanta Symphony and the UGA Symphony at the Performing Arts Center, a University Theatre production of Rita Dove’s play The Darker Face of the Earth at the Fine Arts Theatre, a dance program featuring pieces choreographed by UGA dance majors at the New Dance Theatre and an exhibition by students earning a bachelor of fine arts degree in the Lamar Dodd School of Art.

The Performing Arts Center also will present two special performances: Blue Man Group on Nov. 6-7 and Béla Fleck and the Marcus Roberts Trio on Nov. 9. The Blue Man Group show will be jointly presented with the Classic Center and will be held at the Classic Center Theatre in downtown Athens.

“One of the goals of the UGA Arts Council is to raise awareness of and participation in the rich variety of programming offered by university units in the performing, visual and literary arts,” said Libby Morris, vice provost for academic affairs, who has been working with council members since last fall. “We are very excited to present ‘Spotlight on the Arts at UGA,’ with events taking place at arts venues across campus, as well as in the local community.”

Tickets for Performing Arts Center events and the University Theatre production may be purchased at the Performing Arts Center’s new website,, or by calling the box office at 706-542-4400. Tickets for the dance concert will be on sale at the Tate Student Center box office in the fall.  

Details about additional festival events as well as arts events and programs that will take place throughout the semester can be found on the new Arts at UGA web site ( or on Facebook (      

The UGA Arts Council was convened in October 2011 and includes representatives from the following campus units: the Performing Arts Center, the Hugh Hodgson School of Music, the Lamar Dodd School of Art, the department of dance, the department of theatre and film studies, the Georgia Museum of Art, The Georgia Review, the UGA Press, the Willson Center for the Humanities and Arts, the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, the special collections libraries and the Office of the Provost.

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