Campus News

Presidential Interdisciplinary Seed Grant proposals due Aug. 1

(UGA File Photo)

Interdisciplinary faculty teams are encouraged to submit their proposals for the 2021 Presidential Interdisciplinary Seed Grant Program.

Launched in 2017 and 2019 through a partnership between the Office of Research and the Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach, this will be the third round of competition for the program.

The program saw much success with its two first rounds, reflected in the external funding brought in by teams who were able to use their seed grants to develop larger proposals. The first two funding cycles have brought in more than $188 million to UGA in external grants to date.

Up to $1.5 million will be available to support this third round of teams, including $50,000 to $150,000 per grant proposal to be used in any customary way to support research, but excluding conferences, external collaborators or course buyouts. Although applications may include external collaborators from academia, government agencies and/or the private sector, any funds awarded through the program must be spent at UGA.

Team proposals should address a significant challenge at the local, national or global level and support UGA’s 2025 Strategic Plan goal of growing research, innovation and entrepreneurship. Challenge examples include those in areas identified by the Provost’s Task Force on Academic Excellence (precision agriculture, security, climate and environment, and brain and behavioral sciences), those requiring close collaboration between social/behavioral and biomedical faculty, and those leveraging advances in data science and AI.

A short letter of intent from prospective teams is due Aug. 1, and proposals are due by midnight Sept. 15.

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