Campus News


Fourteen UGA employees retired Sept. 1. Retirees, their job classification, department and length of employment are:

Peter Albersheim, co-director, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, 20 years/11 months; William L. Bowen Jr., staff physician, University Health Center, 10 years/4 months; Joseph P. Cochran, HVAC/refrigeration mechanic, air conditioning shop, 18 years/7 months; Mary Montine Davis, administrative associate I, Terry College of Business–dean’s office, 22 years/3 months; Mary K. Everitt, lecturer, communication sciences and special education, 8 years; Marguerite L. Hamburg, associate professor, School of Environmental Design, 21 years/11 months; Nell M. -Hemphill, administrative assistant II, economics, 17 years; Arthur M. Horne, Distinguished Research Professor, counseling and human development, 16 years/ 11 months; Carol S. Joiner, administrative assistant II, extension family and consumer sciences, 18 years/5 months; Deborah R. -Lester, administrative associate II, physical plant–administration, 28 years/11 months; John T. McGaughey III, electronics engineer, public affairs, 22 years/2 months; Martha A. Myers, professor, sociology, 29 years; –Marilyn T. Strickland, computer services specialist I, Office of Information Technology, 23 years/8 months; and Larry E. Winfrey, grounds keeper  I, Athletic Association, 29 years.