Amazing Students Profiles

Blake Sherry

Blake Sherry

Blake Sherry, a senior in forest resources, is an ambassador for the Warnell School, president of the Forestry Club, a log roll champion and yes, he even chops wood.


Marietta, Georgia

High School:

Walton High School

Degree objective:


Expected graduation:

May 2017

University highlights, achievements, awards and scholarships:

I have been fortunate to be in various organizations across campus throughout my time as a student at UGA. Freshman year I was a member of Freshman Forum, which prompted me to join the Student Government Association. I was also a cadet in Army ROTC for two years; this experience allowed me to develop practical leadership skills and discipline. I would recommend it to all students even if they are not interested in joining the military as my knowledge of leadership and management has prepared me to be successful in my future career.

I was the SGA senator for Warnell this past year, where I proposed legislation that was later approved. Some of these include the removal of the Bradford Pear, an invasive species, from campus and opening the campus Creamery 30 minutes earlier in the morning so students with early morning classes would have access to coffee.

As the former vice president and current president of the SAF Forestry Club, I have been actively involved in Warnell since my acceptance into the college. I have attended three Conclaves, where I placed first in the log roll, and have also competed in Quiz Bowl. I have also been an ambassador for my college for the past three years and am a member of AGHON. I have also received the Georgia Forestry Association Scholarship as well as the C.M. Stripling Scholarship.

Family Ties to UGA:

I am the first person from my family to go to the University of Georgia. However, my younger sister plans to follow in my footsteps and also attend UGA as well.

I chose to attend UGA because…

Although it is becoming increasingly more difficult to get into UGA, and my high school counselor doubted I would be accepted, I took advantage of the opportunity and applied. Fortunately, I was accepted, and did not hesitate to attend.

My favorite things to do on campus are…

Over the course of my college years, my activities on campus have changed dramatically. Freshman year, I spent hours playing Frisbee on Myers Quad. Now, as a senior who is not on meal plan, getting a meal from new Bolton is near impossible to beat.

When I have free time, I like…

… to target shoot and hunt in my free time. When it gets warmer outside I love to camp, and generally spend time outdoors.

The craziest thing I’ve done is…

… getting my foot run over by a car and not going to the doctor for four days because it was deer season. I chipped a bone in my foot and probably ruined my chances of getting an ROTC scholarship but the Lord works in mysterious ways and I am completely happy with the path I am on.

My favorite place to study is…

The Warnell computer lab is my favorite place to study and socialize, but when I am intent on staying focused and getting work done, I head over to the science library.

My favorite professor is…

… Dr. Bronson Bullock. During Forestry Field Camp I was unsure about him, but I have since learned he is a great educator and dedicated professor. He has the ability to explain difficult topics in a way that my peers and I can understand. And for some reason he agreed to be one of the Forestry Club’s advisors, a role that probably has undoubtedly brought undue stress on him.

If I could share an afternoon with anyone, I would love to share it with…

… my Grandpa Max. He passed away a few years ago and I have missed seeing him and learning from him.

If I knew I could not fail, I would…

… start my own business right out of school doing some kind of forestry work. Both of my parents are entrepreneurs, and growing up I saw how they were able to do things with our family because they could set their own schedules and were their own bosses. However, I have been able to see firsthand how difficult it is to run your own business, and I do not think I am quite ready to take on that burden myself.

If money was not a consideration, I would love to…

… do the same exact thing I am doing now. I really enjoy the forestry sector and would not change a thing about working in this industry.

After graduation, I plan to…

… work for International Paper as a fiber supply associate. I interned with IP over the summer and was offered a position upon graduation. I am incredibly grateful that a highly esteemed company like IP would offer me a position and I am looking forward to graduating and getting to work.

The one UGA experience I will always remember will be…

… was going to Conclave, a competition between forestry colleges in the Southeast. We compete in physical events like axe throwing and log rolling, as well as technical events like wood identification and timber volume estimation. I have been to three Conclaves and each one left me with memories I’ll never forget.

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