Amazing Students Profiles

Tiffany Smith

Tiffany Smith

As an undergraduate at UGA, Tiffany Smith became director of the nation’s first American Cancer Society collegiate chapter. She helped start the UGA Relay for Life and worked to raise more than $300,000 in two years. She also helped develop a 150-page handbook detailing how to organize a collegiate Relay. The book became the American Cancer Society national publication for the 2002 spinoff nationwide initiative, Colleges Against Cancer. UGA Relay for Life became one of the Top 10 Relays in the nation. Join the 2004 Relay for Life at Spec Towns Track this weekend!


Vidalia, GA

High School:

Vidalia Comprehensive High School; Vidalia, GA

Degree objective:

Juris Doctor

Other degrees:

A.B.J., University of Georgia (Public Relations), 2001
B.A., University of Georgia (Political Science), 2001

Expected graduation:


University highlights, achievements, awards and scholarships:

Relay for Life is the most precious highlight of my UGA career so far. I was one of three students who had the idea for Relay independently. My mother was my inspiration. She suffered with cancer when I was in high school, and I had family and friends nearby to comfort me. Many college students grapple with cancer, and many students are also removed from old friends and family members. Relay for Life is a place to come together and support one another in the fight against cancer. It seemed to me that college students struggling with cancer needed an outlet and a “safe place” to deal with those issues.

Current Employment:

I will work at King & Spalding, LLP this summer as a summer associate.

I chose to attend UGA because…

…it’s an excellent school; a big school with lots of opportunity. It was far enough away from Vidalia that I could carve out a place for myself independent of my family, and close enough to home that I could visit frequently. It’s also something of a family tradition. My mother attended UGA and my father got his doctorate here.

My favorite things to do on campus are…

…walk through North Campus, jog on the track, and sit on Herty Field especially during Terry Tunes!

If I could share an afternoon with anyone, I would love to share it with…

…believe it or not, the answer isn’t an illustrious or famous person. I’d want to spend it with close friends and family members I don’t often get the chance to see. Nothing in the world can substitute for time spent with someone you love.

If money was not a consideration, I would love to…

Like most other students, I would love to travel. There are many places I have not yet seen in the world. Some places in which I am particularly interested include Cuba, Brazil, Haiti, South Africa, Italy, and the list goes on. Also, I would love to bring my father’s dreams to life by building a Bible school in his hometown of Kumasi, Ghana.

After graduation, I plan to…

Work. It’s probably time.

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