Spring semester enrollment at UGA totals 32,013, a decrease of 316 students from spring semester of 2004.
The one percent decline still places this spring’s enrollment higher than for any year prior to 2004. The drop follows a 1.4 percent decrease in enrollment for last fall semester, which reflected a lower first-year enrollment than the all-time high set the previous fall.
The spring total includes an on-campus enrollment of 23,156 undergraduate students, 6,103 graduate students and 1,565 students enrolled in the professional schools of law, pharmacy and veterinary medicine.
In addition, the total includes 896 undergraduate and graduate students attending classes at Gwinnett University Center, 40 students attending classes at UGA’s Tifton center and
253 students enrolled in independent study.
On-campus undergraduate enrollment decreased by 372 students, or 1.6 percent, from last year, while on-campus graduate enrollment dropped by only three students. Enrollment in professional schools is up by 24 students, or
1.6 percent.