Campus News

The Georgia Review announces the first Loraine Williams Poetry Prize

Athens, Ga. – The Georgia Review, the internationally prominent literary quarterly published from the University of Georgia, announces the inaugural Loraine Williams Poetry Prize-$1,000 and publication in The Georgia Review for a single poem, originally written in English and never before published either in print or online. The submission period continues through May 15, with the winning poem to be announced on Aug. 15 and published in the Spring 2014 issue.

Submissions to be considered for the Loraine Williams Poetry Prize must be sent either electronically or by regular mail postmarked within the submission period. Late entries will not be considered, nor will simultaneously submitted work. All submitted poems will be considered for publication in The Georgia Review; any selected will be paid the regular poetry honorarium of $4 per line.

An entry may include one, two or three poems, but no more than a total of 10 standard pages in 12-point or larger font. Each writer may submit only one entry per year (but may send other noncompetition entries during our regular submission period of Aug. 15-May 15).

Current subscribers to The Georgia Review may enter the competition free of charge; nonsubscribers may begin a subscription at the time of entry-$35 for four issues, which is $5 off the regular price-or pay an entry fee of $15.

To submit by post, include a cover letter that confirms the poem or poems will not be under consideration elsewhere during the judging period, a self-addressed and stamped envelope for announcement of contest winner and notice of whether your work has been selected for publication, and if you are not a current subscriber, a check for either $35 to begin your subscription or $15 to cover your entry fee. Checks should be made payable to The Georgia Review, and envelopes should be addressed to The Loraine Williams Poetry Prize, The Georgia Review, Room 706A Main Library, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-9009.

Instructions for submitting electronically-including subscription/entry fee process-can be found online at The submission manager will only be open at this time for contest submissions and will not be functional for general submissions until Aug. 15.

The editorial staff of The Georgia Review will read and evaluate all entries. In consultation with the rest of the staff, editor Stephen Corey will make the final decisions about the winning entry and any other poems to be accepted for publication.

Loraine Williams, the prize’s sponsor, is an Atlanta-based patron of the arts.

For more information, contact The Georgia Review at 706/542-3481, or see



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