Society & Culture

The Georgia Review presents reading by Richard Garcia

The Georgia Review presents reading by Richard Garcia

Athens, Ga. – Nationally-recognized poet Richard Garcia will read from his work on Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 7 p.m., at Flicker, located at 263 West Washington St. The reading is free and open to the public.

Richard Garcia is the author of The Persistence of Objects (2006) and Rancho Notorious (2001), both published by BOA Editions, as well as The Flying Garcias, published by the University of Pittsburgh Press in 1993. He has been awarded a Pushcart Prize and a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship. For twelve years he was poet-in-residence at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, where he conducted workshops in poetry and art for hospitalized children. He currently makes his home on James Island, S.C., where he lives with his wife, Katherine Williams.

Of Garcia’s work, fellow poet Ilya Kaminsky says that “his words, so courageous and consoling in their imaginative power, are meant to connect with other human beings; Garcia does this with grace. [His poems are] at once heartbreaking and hilarious, where page after page we realize that Garcia’s world of dreams is ours – inescapably ours.”

Garcia’s reading is sponsored by The Georgia Review, the Georgia Poetry Circuit and the University of Georgia Libraries. Published at the University of Georgia since 1947, The Georgia Review is one of the nation’s premier literary quarterlies, and is the winner of the 2007 National Magazine Award in the essay category.

For further information, call 706/542-0397, or email

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