Thirteen UGA graduate programs ranked among the top 10 in the nation in the third annual Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index, a ranking of graduate programs at research universities based on what is purported to be the first objective measurement of per capita scholarly accomplishment.
Seven doctoral programs in the College of Education and six more from other colleges were recognized for their faculty members’ ongoing scholarly productivity among 164,843 professors at 172 institutions across the country.
College of Education programs in the ranking were: educational leadership and administration (10th), higher education/higher education administration (second), mathematics education (eighth), science education (fourth), teacher education specific levels (ninth), health, physical education, recreation (fifth) and school psychology (ninth).
Other UGA programs with high rankings on the index were: agronomy and crop science (10th), botany/plant biology (fourth), English language and literature (fourth), languages (10th), management information systems (second) and music (second).
The ranking, provided by Academic Analytics, is based on the number of professors in a given program, the number of books and journal articles they have written, the number of times other scholars have cited them, and the awards, honors and grant dollars they have received.