Campus News

Thirteen UGA employees retired Dec. 1, 2019

Thirteen UGA employees retired Dec. 1. Retirees, their job classification, department and years of service are Barry Bloom, director, FMD-maintenance engineering, 16 years, 9 months; Melissa D. Brock, administrative manager II, CAES-Center for Applied Genetic Technologies, 38 years, 1 month; Bambi G. Cumuze, retail food sales manager I, Auxiliary Services-Red Clay Café, 34 years, 7 months; Catherine C. Fite, program coordinator I, Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost-Academic Programs, 10 years, 7 months; Lisa B. Lee, administrative specialist I, Development & Alumni Relations-UGA Foundation, 36 years, 2 months; Sherman Lucas, IT manager, CAES-information technology, 13 years; Tommie McCommons, building service worker II, University Housing-facilities-building services, 21 years, 9 months; D. Scott Nesmith, professor, CAES-horticulture department, 29 years, 5 months; Dorinda K. Peachey, systems administrator principal, EITS-systems engineering, 34 years; Martha Peterson, bus operator, Auxiliary Services-transit operations, 28 years, 10 months;  Janice Y. Ponder, county secretary, CAES-Cooperative Extension, Southwest District, 43 years, 8 months; Frankie J. Smith, electrician, FMD-O&M Electric Shop, 18 years, 5 months; Patrick Michael Sullivan, senior public relations coordinator, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, 18 years.

Source: Human Resources

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