Campus News

Transportation and Parking Services rolls out several service updates

• Bus tracker: UGA Transportation and Parking Services switched vendors for its live campus bus tracker. The new system provides an enhanced online experience for tracking the routes and arrival times of all UGA buses. The new bus tracker can be found at This bus tracker is also a popular feature of the UGA mobile app found at This switch will make it possible to enable additional features in the campus bus tracker and improve long-term performance.

High-resolution cameras and automated annunciators also have been installed on each UGA bus. The annunciators call out stops when a bus arrives at a scheduled location. The cameras enhance safety and security.

For more information on UGA bus routes, visit or call 706-369-6220. For questions about the UGA mobile app, contact David Crouch at

• Bike racks: UGA’s bus fleet is now equipped with new bicycle racks. The racks hold two bicycles at a time and it takes 15-30 seconds for riders to load and unload their bicycles. The bicycle racks are the same model that the Athens Transit bus system currently uses.

• Bus stop improvements: The Cedar Street Bus Plaza is undergoing improvements that include a new bus stop, widening the sidewalks, moving crosswalks in front of the bus stops and an improved landscaped area. This project seeks to improve pedestrian circulation, drainage, plaza expansion and bus stop safety. Construction on a new bus stop located on Carlton Street across from Stegeman Coliseum is complete and will improve pedestrian circulation and bus stop safety in that area.

In response to a student-led request by the UGA Student Government Association, new bus stops have been constructed by the Business Learning Center and the Bolton Dining Commons.

Additionally, the Family Housing bus route has been renamed University Village. The name change will not affect the route or its stops.

• Virtual permits lots: The implementation of a License Plate Recognition program in UGA parking lots and decks will create a convenient and efficient experience for parking customers by eliminating physical parking permits for car parking. Customers who purchase a parking space in a converted LPR lot will use their license plate as their permit. As of fall 2017, UGA Transportation and Parking Services will have a total of 30 LPR parking areas and a total of 10,800 spaces. The following lots will be converted to virtual permit lots during the 2017-2018 academic year: N01, N02, S04, S14, S16, S17, E13, E14, E15, E20, W05, W08, W10 and W11.

• LED lighting: UGA Transportation and Parking Services will continue in its sustainability efforts by installing new, environmentally friendly lighting in the Intramural and Performing Arts Center parking decks. The installation of these new LED lights will create a well-lit area for customers. As a result of the brighter bulbs, the parking decks will become safer for patrons with the lack of shadows and clearer visibility from a distance as they enter and exit the parking deck. With these changes, UGA parking decks will be equipped with sustainable and safe lighting.

Source: Transportation and Parking Services