Campus News

Two CSP faculty play major roles in tenth Brazilian Meeting on Simulational Physics

Two faculty members in UGA’s Center for Simulational Physics played major roles in the tenth Brazilian Meeting on Simulational Physics. The Center for Simuational Physics is based in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences.

Inspired by the annual international workshop hosted by UGA, the Brazilian meeting, held in August, brought together researchers from around the world in an effort to promote simulational physics research in Brazil.

David P. Landau, Distinguished Research Professor and director of the CSP, presented the opening address, “A New Universality at a First Order Transition: The Spin-flop Transition in an Anisotropic Heisenberg Antiferromagnet.” Another invited talk, “Classification of Phase Transitions by Generalized Microcanonical Inflection-Point Analysis,” was presented by Michael Bachman, CSP member and professor of physics.

While in Brazil, Landau also presented the colloquium “Exploring Complex Free Energy Landscapes with Innovative Monte Carlo Simulations” at the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.

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