More than 200 distinguished faculty members were recognized for their scholarship and research at the University of Georgia’s inaugural External Awards and Honors Recognition reception on Oct. 10.
The event featured recipients of external honors designated as highly prestigious or prestigious by the National Research Council, faculty who have earned fellow status for their research within the past five years and the recipients of other highly selective awards. The reception at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education & Hotel was hosted by the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and the Office of Research.
S. Jack Hu, the university’s senior vice president for academic affairs and provost, congratulated faculty on their accomplishments and encouraged them to promote worthy colleagues at UGA for external honors and recognition.
“The primary measure of a great university is the quality of its faculty and judging from the number of nationally and internationally recognized faculty members in this room, the University of Georgia is a powerful force in a wide array of disciplines,” said Hu. “I am delighted for each one of you and grateful for the many ways you are helping to make UGA a leader among public research universities.”
The honorees included the university’s members of the National Academies, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Council of Learned Societies, Guggenheim Fellows, Fulbright Scholars and National Endowment for the Humanities Fellows.
“I am pleased to see we are taking steps to weave external honors further into our university culture and celebrating the amazing work our faculty contribute to improving lives of those around the state, across the nation and throughout the world,” said Chris King, interim vice president for research. “These honors not only bring prestige to our faculty members, but they also help elevate the reputation of our university.”
More information on faculty external honors is available at