
UGA departments of health policy and management and economics to host panel

UGA departments of health policy and management and economics to host healthcare reform panel

Athens, Ga. – To provide an objective and non-partisan look at the current national debate on healthcare reform, the University of Georgia department of health policy and management in the College of Public Health and the department of economics in the Terry College of Business are hosting a panel discussion on healthcare reform.

The forum will be held Thursday, Nov. 19 at 5 p.m. in room 248 of the Zell B. Miller Learning Center.

The forum is free and open to the public.

The panel of speakers includes:

  • W. David Bradford – Busbee Chair of Public Policy
  • Phaedra S. Corso – associate professor and department head, health policy and management
  • Angela R. Fertig – assistant professor, health policy and management
  • John L. Turner – associate professor of economics

Bradford was the founder and former director of the Center for Health Economic and Policy Studies at the Medical University of South Carolina. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Louisiana State University.

Corso worked at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for nearly 15 years before coming to UGA. She earned her Ph.D. from Harvard University in public health with a concentration in health policy.

Fertig previously taught in the economics department at Indiana University, Bloomington and in the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. Fertig received her Ph.D. in economics from Brown University.

Turner previously served as assistant director of development at the National Environmental Policy Institute in Washington D.C. He earned his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Virginia.

This panel of experts will provide a professional insight into both the proposed changes to the health care industry, as well as possible outcomes should Congress and President Obama successfully pass these proposed reforms into law.

The University of Georgia’s College of Public Health promotes health in human populations through innovative research, exemplary education and engaged service dedicated to preventing disease and injury within the state and around the world. The college currently offers programs in biostatistics, environmental health, epidemiology, gerontology, health policy and management, health promotion and behavior, public health and toxicology. For more information on the College of Public Health and the department of health policy and management, see www.publichealth.uga.edu.

The mission of the University of Georgia Terry College of Business is the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge for the effective and ethical practice of business. The educational and research programs prepare, challenge and inspire students, alumni and business practitioners to improve their futures, as well as the future of Georgia and the global community. For more information on the Terry College of Business and the economics department, see www.terry.uga.edu.


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