Health & Wellness Society & Culture

University of Georgia to host Health Professions Fair

Athens, Ga. – The Premedical Studies Program invites University of Georgia students and alumni to attend the first Health Professions Fair March 5 from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. in the Tate Student Center Grand Hall.

The event will offer students considering a health-related career the opportunity to meet directly with recruiters from more than 50 programs. Some of the schools represented include University of Alabama-Birmingham, Georgia Regents University, MGH Institute of Health Professions, Emory University, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Georgia Campus, Mercer University, University of Florida, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, Morehouse College and UGA.

Highlighted programs include medical, dental, osteopathic, occupational and physical therapy, anesthesiology, audiology, physicians assistant, nursing, pharmacy, biomedical sciences, clinical laboratory science, medical illustration, chiropractic care, and U.S. Army and Navy medical programs.

The fair is a free event open to all students in the surrounding areas, as well as the general public. Registration will be on the fifth floor at the entrance of the Grand Hall.

More information and a full listing of schools in attendance may be found at

About the Premedical Studies Program

The Premedical Studies Program at the University of Georgia has a strong history of support for students, helping them remain nationally competitive with other universities and colleges by providing the necessary tools and resources for admission to medical, dental and optometry schools. The office advises and meets directly with UGA students and alumni, providing guidance with the medical school application process. The Premedical Studies Program also works closely with UGA staff and faculty advisers who assist students with UGA course registration. In 2013, approximately 250 UGA students matriculated into more than 50 medical schools nationwide. The Premedical Studies Office is a unit of the Office of the Vice President for Instruction. For more information, see


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