Campus News Science & Technology

UGA hosts conference on remote engineering

(Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA)

Engineering and technology researchers from around the world will gather at the University of Georgia next month for REV2020, the 17th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation.

More than 100 faculty members, students and industry representatives are expected to attend the conference, which will be held at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education & Hotel Feb. 25 through Feb. 28.

The theme of the conference – “Cross Reality and Data Science in Engineering” – focuses on topics such as online engineering, cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things, including remote engineering and virtual instrumentation.

“In a globally connected world, the interest in online collaboration, teleworking, remote services and other digital working environments is rapidly increasing,” said Dominik May, an assistant professor in UGA’s Engineering Education Transformations Institute and the conference organizer. “The objective of this conference is to contribute and discuss fundamentals, applications and experiences in the fields of online and remote engineering, virtual instrumentation and other related new technologies.”

The conference will feature keynotes by international researchers and industry leaders from companies including UL, Siemens and Phoenix Contact. Keynote topics include Data Science and Big Data in Asia; Meaningful Learning with Technologies; and Big Data – The Data-Driven Approach to Education of the Future?

Workshops, tutorials and research presentations round out the conference agenda.

REV2020 is hosted by the University of the Georgia College of Engineering, the International Association of Online Engineering, UGA’s Engineering Education Transformations Institute, and UGA’s Georgia Informatics Institutes for Research and Education.

To learn more, visit the REV2020 website.

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