Business & Economy Georgia Impact

UGA students available to help small businesses

Downtown Athens business district. (UGA photo)

Services offered to help local companies adapt to COVID-19 challenge

Small businesses, nonprofits and public service groups have all had to change the way they do business to continue to operate during the COVID-19 crisis.

Whether it’s moving commerce or service delivery online or changing work structures to help keep workers safe, managers may not have the time, resources or technological know-how to put these changes in place. That’s where students in the University of Georgia’s department of management information systems can help, said Maric Boudreau, MIS department head and associate professor in the Terry College of Business.

“Many students had summer internships canceled or shortened,” Boudreau said. “These students are looking for virtual work and educational opportunities that align with their professional interests. They’re looking for projects, and we know that businesses out there are looking for help.”

Boudreau knows that many businesses have already made the first steps to adjusting to the new normal, but students have the time and talent to craft plans that companies can carry into the fall and beyond.

The services include but are not limited to:

  • Helping businesses prepare for the “return to work” world.
  • Enhancing remote worker productivity via leveraging current IT capabilities.
  • Improving business processes for the current situation.
  • Creating or modifying a website.
  • Creating a database and queries.
  • Analyzing data and visualizing findings.
  • Assessing and improving information security.

Faculty will quickly screen requests and pass appropriate projects to an available student or student teams. Faculty members will select projects that can be completed in two months, serve a critical need for the businesses and fit the skill sets of the students available.

Students may tackle projects independently or in teams and will work in coordination with a faculty mentor.

Before completing the project, students will ensure that business managers understand the skills necessary to put the student-developed systems in place.

Interested parties should contact Maric Boudreau, MIS department head, at

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