
UGA to host 2013 Georgia Water Resources Conference

Athens, Ga. – The University of Georgia will host the 2013 Georgia Water Resources Conference April 10-11 at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education Conference Center and Hotel in Athens.

“Recent droughts are challenging our urban, agricultural, energy and industrial water sectors,” said Todd Rasmussen, a professor in the UGA Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, which is organizing the forum. “Long-term, sustainable water management obliges us to keep close track of the current and future needs of these sectors and to link them to the ability of our surface, coastal and groundwater resources to meet these needs.”

The two-day conference features technical presentations, panel discussions and a poster session. Students can attend for free if they assist with conference activities. Student prizes of $150, $100 and $50 will be awarded for the best oral or poster presentations.

Georgians must learn how to better protect the natural heritage and biological systems that make the state “a wonderful place to live and work,” Rasmussen said.

“This conference provides a great opportunity for sharing scientific data, discussing management options and evaluating alternative implementation strategies for achieving our water goals. It also provides an opportunity for environmental professionals, government organizations, academics and the public to learn more about water issues.”

To register for the conference, see http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/uga-hotel/conferences-events/register/ga-water-resources. Hotel rooms also may be reserved through this website.

The conference, held biennially since 1989, was spurred by a 1984 statewide water forum led by Georgia State University with funding provided by the Georgia Water Research Institute. Previous conference proceedings can be found at http://www.gwri.gatech.edu/conferences.

For more information about the conference, see http://www.gawrc.org/.


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