Campus News

UGA welcomes new faculty

Sundar Bharadwaj

Below is an alphabetical listing of new tenured and tenure-track faculty who have joined the university since the previous listing was published in Columns a year ago. It includes some faculty scheduled to arrive in January. The new faculty are in departments spread across 15 schools and colleges.

This information was provided by the Office of Faculty Affairs, which acts as a liaison between the university and the University System of Georgia Board of Regents on matters related to faculty appointment, promotion and tenure.

Mark Abbe
Assistant Professor, Classics/Dodd School of Art

Sun Joo Ahn
Assistant Professor, Advertising

Diane Marie Amann
Professor, Law

Michael Bachmann
Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Lynn Bailey
Professor and Department Head, Foods and Nutrition

Sundar Bharadwaj

Coca-Cola Chair and Professor, Marketing and Distribution

Alison Smith Bramlet
Assistant Professor, Environment and Design

Marin Talbot Brewer
Assistant Professor, Plant ­Pathology

L. Elizabeth Burch
Associate Professor, Law

Kun-Wung Byon

Assistant Professor, Kinesiology

James Michael Carson

Amos Distinguished Professor of Insurance

Michael Chamberlain

Associate Professor, Forestry and Natural Resources

Yoon Joon Choi
Assistant Professor, Social Work

Doris Christopher

Professor, Workforce ­Education, Leadership and Social ­Foundations

Obie Clayton
Hollowell Professor, Social Work

Adriane Colburn
Assistant Professor, Dodd School of Art

Jason Alan Colquitt
Wilson Professor, Management

Barbara Crawford

Professor, Mathematics and Science Education

Marcus Cunha
Associate Professor, Marketing and Distribution

Cynthia Dillard
Early Professor of Elementary and Social Studies Education

Jaime Dodge
Assistant Professor, Law

Erin Dolan
Associate Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Kylee Jo Duberstein
Assistant Professor, Animal ­Science

Christopher Eaket

Assistant Professor, English/Theatre and Film Studies

Jennifer Elkins
Assistant Professor, Social Work

Linda Kirk Fox
Dean and Professor, Housing and Consumer Economics

H. J. Garrett
Assistant Professor, Elementary and Social Studies Education

David Gay
Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Jennifer Gay
Assistant Professor, Health Promotion and Behavior

Laura German
Assistant Professor, Anthropology

Stuart Gillan
Associate Professor, Banking and Finance

Tai Guo
Associate Professor, Anatomy and Radiology

Brian Haas 
Assistant Professor, Psychology

Jerayr Haleblian
Associate Professor, Management

Kelsey Alison Hart
Assistant Professor, Large Animal Medicine

Natoya Hill Haskins

Assistant Professor, Counseling and Human Development

DeLoris Wenzel Hesse
Associate Professor, Cellular Biology

Brian Higgins
Assistant Professor, Microbiology

Karen Marie Hilyard
Assistant Professor, Health Promotion and Behavior

John Hulland

Arnold Professor, Marketing and Distribution

Scott Jackson
GRA Eminent Scholar and ­Professor, Crop and Soil Sciences

Jennifer Julia Kaplan
Assistant Professor, Statistics

William Keller

Professor, International Affairs, and Director of the Center for International Trade and Security

Elizabeth King
Assistant Professor, Forestry and Natural Resources and Ecology

Hartmut Koenitz

Assistant Professor, Telecommunications

Fanbin Kong
Assistant Professor, Food Science and Technology

Richard Lankau
Assistant Professor, Plant Biology

Pablo Lapegna

Assistant Professor, Sociology

Karl Ferdinand Lechtreck
Assistant Professor, Cellular Biology

Elizabeth Weeks Leonard
Associate Professor, Law

Zachary Lewis

Assistant Professor, Microbiology

Rebecca Lieberman
Assistant Professor, ­Communication Science and Special Education

Dexi Liu
Department Head and Professor, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

Liang Liu
Assistant Professor, Statistics

Bettina Love
Assistant Professor, Elementary and Social Studies Education

Zhenqiu Lu
Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology

Julie Luft
Professor, Mathematics and Science Education

Joerg Mayer
Associate Professor, Small Animal Medicine and Surgery

Toni Miles
Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Director of the Institute of Gerontology

Adam Milewski
Assistant Professor, Geology

Joseph Scott Miller
Professor, Law

Anand Mohan
Assistant Professor, Food Science and Technology

James Monogan III
Assistant Professor, Political Science

Allen Moore

Professor, Genetics

David Nelson
Assistant Professor, Genetics

Silvia Nogueron-Liu
Assistant Professor, Language and Literacy Education

Peter O’Neill
Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature

Andrew Owsiak
Assistant Professor, International Affairs

Jennifer Palmer
Assistant Professor, History

Bradley Paye

Assistant Professor, Banking and Finance

Joe Jin Phua
Assistant Professor, Advertising

David Porinchu
Associate Professor, Geography

Gavin Joseph Putzer
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management

Jane Quandt
Associate Professor, Small Animal Medicine and Surgery

Stephen Ramos
Assistant Professor, Environment and Design

Jennifer Rice

Assistant Professor, Geography

Arthur Roberts
Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

Emily Jane Sahakian

Assistant Professor, Theatre and Film Studies

Kristin Sayeski
Assistant Professor, ­Communication Sciences and Special Education

Ben Scheick
Assistant Professor, Insurance, Legal Studies and Real Estate

Lakshman Segar

Associate Professor, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy

Ajay Sharma
Assistant Professor, Anatomy and Radiology

Kimberly Renee Skobba
Assistant Professor, Housing and Consumer Economics

Matthew Lee Smith
Assistant Professor, Health ­Promotion and Behavior

Nanette Spina
Assistant Professor, Religion

Belinda Stillion Southard
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies

Andrea Sweigart
Assistant Professor, Genetics

Joseph Tobin

Professor, Elementary and Social Studies Education

Mary Elizabeth Tobin
Professor, English

Susan Turnquist
Associate Professor, Pathology

Antonio Webb
Assistant Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Han-Rong Weng

Assistant Professor, ­Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences

Kandauda Wickrama
Professor, Child and Family Development

Nina Wurzburger
Assistant Professor, Ecology

Jin Xie
Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Celim Yildizhan

Assistant Professor, Banking and Finance

Sonja Zabel

Assistant Professor, Small Animal Medicine and Surgery

James Jianhui Zhang
Professor, Kinesiology

Ming Zhang

Assistant Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics

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