
UGA’s Warnell School to hold spring colloquium and graduate student symposium

UGA’s Warnell School to hold spring colloquium and graduate student symposium

Athens, Ga. – The University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources will host its spring colloquium and graduate student symposium Feb. 27-29 at the school. This annual event will feature Reese Halter, founder and president of Global Forest Science, as colloquium speaker and two days of graduate student seminars featuring forestry and natural resources conservation research.

Halter is an award-winning conservation scientist, syndicated science writer, TV nature documentary host, professor of botany at Humboldt State University, California, and popular children’s author. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Melbourne, Australia and is an expert on the topics of global warming, hurricanes, fire, weather phenomena, ecological disasters, conservation and forest biology and ecosystems. In the late 1980s, he founded Global Forest Science, a charitable international forest research organization. His latest book is Wild Weather: The Truth Behind Global Warming.

Halter’s colloquium lecture will be Wednesday, Feb. 27 at 3:30 p.m. in the Warnell auditorium. The lecture will be followed by a public reception in the school courtyard.

The two days following spring colloquium will feature the Warnell School’s 11th annual Graduate Student Symposium. Graduate students of the school will give presentations about their research in the areas of fisheries conservation; forest business, management and biology; natural resources recreation and tourism; wildlife ecology and management; and water and soil science conservation.

Graduate student presentations will begin at 8:00 a.m. in the Dean’s Conference Room at the Warnell School, and continue until 5:00 p.m. on both Thursday, Feb. 28 and Friday, Feb. 29. For more information on presentation topics and times see the Graduate Student Symposium website at warnell.forestry.uga.edu/gsa/symposium.html.

In addition to student presentations, the symposium features a silent auction to raise money for the Warnell School’s Graduate Student Association. This year’s auction will feature dozens of items related to Georgia’s natural resources, and also items donated by local Athens area retail businesses. “This year we have many outstanding items to be auctioned-off thanks to the incredible generosity of Warnell School family members and many local businesses,” said Kate Spear, president of the Warnell School Graduate Student Association. “We are grateful to all who contributed items for this silent auction fundraiser as their contributions will allow us to provide graduate students with additional resources for research, and to travel to conferences to present their research.”

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