Campus News

University Health Center director receives ACHA fellowship

Jean Chin

Dr. Jean Chin, executive director of the University Health Center, was bestowed a fellowship by the American College Health Association.

The ACHA Fellows organization was established in 1967 to recognize those members who have given outstanding service to the association and have demonstrated superior professional stature and performance in the college health field.

A tireless servant and advocate for ACHA and the Southern College Health Association, Chin has served on the SCHA’s executive board as vice president (2009-2010), president-elect (2010-2011), president (2011-2012) , immediate past president (2012-2013; 2014-present) and sergeant at arms (2013-2014). She also served on the ACHA board of directors from 2013-2015 as a member-at-large, and she currently chairs the Guidelines for a Comprehensive College Health Program Task Force.


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