Campus News

University Housing to welcome students back with Hunker Down with Housing

Athens, Ga. – The University of Georgia Department of Housing will welcome all new and returning students to Athens Aug. 6-7 during Hunker Down with Housing, a volunteer program designed to streamline the move-in process for students and their families.

Aug. 6 is early check-in and Aug. 7 will be regular check-in to UGA residence halls.

Approximately 200 UGA student, faculty and staff volunteers will be located across campus to greet approximately 8,000 new and returning students and parents, give directions to area parking lots, direct traffic and generally serve as a resource for residents and their families. Since the first Hunker Down with Housing in 1998, volunteers have moved in more than 80,000 students.

To ensure a safe and efficient move-in for students returning to campus, University Housing is working with UGA Parking Services, UGA Police and other campus departments, as well as the Athens-Clarke County government, the week preceding the start of classes to ensure that the initial days of move-in run smoothly. UGA’s recycling program will have receptacles available for students to recycle packing boxes and other materials associated with move-in.

On-street parking will not be available on Finley Street (from Baxter Street to Cloverhurst Avenue) and Church Street (from Baxter Street to Talmadge Drive) from noon Aug. 5, through 5 p.m. Aug. 8. The Tate Student Center Parking Deck and lot will be used as a staging area for Brumby residents on Aug. 6 only. Vehicles must have a Hunker Down pass to access these lots. Unloading zones near the halls will be strictly enforced and vehicles left unattended for longer than one hour will be towed.

On Aug. 6-7, traffic is expected to be very heavy on Baxter, Lumpkin, Finley, Hull and Church streets. Members of the Athens community are advised to avoid these areas and be aware that traffic in the university area will be congested through the weekend.

For more information about Hunker Down for Housing and residential move-in, see or contact Tamara Burke at or 706-542-1535.




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