The Department of University Housing recently received a Commitment to Excellence–Gold Institution–Award for demonstrated dedication to continuous quality improvement of programs and services through ongoing assessment and evaluation. Since 1998, the international assessment and analysis firm, Educational Benchmarking Inc., has gathered resident satisfaction information from students living on the campuses of higher education institutions around the world. A collaborative effort with the Association of College and University Housing Officers International, more than 267 institutions completed the 2006-2007 assessment, allows these schools to compare their performance both internally and in contrast with peer institutions.
UGA is a Charter University, signifying annual participation in the resident satisfaction surveys since their inception in 1998. Since that first year, quality improvement efforts have been expanded to include assessment of performance and satisfaction among the family and graduate housing apartment residents and the resident assistant student staff. Most recently, UGA collaborated with EBI to create a new assessment instrument to accurately reflect the issues facing those student residents living in hybrid facilities like the apartment-style residence halls of East Campus Village.