Campus News

Vaccines and immunology center director quoted in AJC story about flu


Ted Ross (Credit: Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA)

Ted M. Ross, the director of the Center for Vaccines and Immunology in UGA’s College of Veterinary Medicine, was recently quoted by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

The article discusses the concerns about the 2019-2020 flu season. After getting off to a rough start, the number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths dramatically increased over the holidays and will likely continue to spread.

“It’s always unique and hard to predict,” said Ross, who also is a Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar and professor of infectious diseases. “It could fade away after the holiday break. Odds are, it will continue to increase, and when kids return to school, we will see large increases in flu cases.”

The article reports that Georgia is one of 25 states reporting high flu activity and that influenza B is the predominant strain.

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