Campus News

Why I Give: Audrey Haynes

Audrey Haynes

Name: Audrey Haynes

Position: Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor; associate professor of political science; director, Applied Politics Certificate Program

At UGA: 21 years

Beneficiary of his gift to the university: UGA Teaching Academy, Applied Politics Program Support Fund, Let All the Big DAWGS Eat Meal Plan Scholarship, Political Science Department Fund

Why she contributes: “I give because I believe in the mission of the University of Georgia. It is critically important that we give students access to higher education and the experiences that go with it. I see students who are here working very hard to attend UGA—sometimes going without to purchase their books, working two jobs to participate in a study abroad—and those students are my heroes. I want to do what I can to help them earn their degree. As a first-generation college graduate, I understand the value of an education. I do not know where I would be today had it not been for my own experience here at the University of Georgia. It is the most important investment we can make in our future.”

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