Campus News

WSFR students selected to Who’s Who Among Students

ATHENS, Ga. – Three undergraduate students at UGA’s Warnell School of Forest Resources (WSFR), Jason Wayne Carey, Amanda Kate Hamsley and Robert Adam Speir, have been selected as members of the 2006 class of Who’s Who Among Students.
Amanda Hamsley, from Perry, Ga., is a forestry major scheduled to graduate December 2005. She has been accepted to begin graduate studies at WSFR in the spring 2006 semester.

Jason Carey, from McDonough, Ga., is a forestry major scheduled to graduate spring 2006. He is currently working part time for Georgia Pacific.

Adam Speir, from Dawson, Ga., is a forest environmental (water) resources major scheduled to graduate spring 2006. He is currently working part time for the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission in Athens.

According to the organization’s website (, Who’s Who Among Students exists as one of the most highly regarded and long-standing honors programs in the nation, having earned the over-whelming respect of college faculties and administrations. For the students – the outstanding campus leaders of the year – national recognition by the Who’s Who program marks a pinnacle of scholastic achievement.

Selections to Who’s Who Among Students are made each fall by individual schools. Campus nominating committees, created to nominate the upper-classmen and graduate students eligible for the program, are composed of representatives from the faculty, administration and student body.
This procedure of local nomination succeeds in highlighting the individual and diverse service to community and school, according to Who’s Who. Because curricular and extracurricular programs at schools vary greatly, each college is assigned a quota of nominees. This quota is carefully calculated to ensure a well-rounded representation of the student body. All nominations must be endorsed by a college’s faculty or administration.

The Warnell School of Forest Resources at the University of Georgia provides four degree path programs in forestry and natural resource science and management. These include the forestry, wildlife, fisheries, and water and soil resources programs. With more than fifty faculty and 23,000 acres of teaching lands, WSFR is the oldest, and one of the most respected, forestry and natural resource education providers in the southeastern United States. The school also houses one of the largest study abroad programs in the nation to provide global learning opportunities for its students. For more information, visit the WSFR website at

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