Campus News

Nine receive undergraduate research scholarship

Moore College is home to UGA's Honors Program. (Photo by Dorothy Kozlowski/UGA)

This fall, the University of Georgia recognized nine undergraduates in its incoming class for 2020-2021 as CURO Honors Scholars, the university’s top undergraduate research scholarship.

UGA’s Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities promotes faculty-mentored research opportunities for UGA’s undergraduates. Working closely with UGA faculty members, CURO Honors Scholars are able to conduct research in any field of study at the university.

CURO Honors Scholars receive $3,000 in annual funding renewable for up to four years; enjoy mentoring and community support; and attend special seminars, workshops, events and activities.

In addition to the CURO Honors Scholarship, the Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities offers a variety of research opportunities to all UGA undergraduates, including CURO research assistantships and the CURO summer fellowship as well as CURO research courses. All CURO students have the opportunity to present their research findings at the annual CURO Symposium.

Since the inception of CURO in the late 1990s, every UGA recipient of a nationally competitive major scholarship—such as the Rhodes, Marshall, Truman, Udall and Goldwater—has participated in CURO in some fashion.

The nine new CURO Honors Scholars, listed below with their high school, hometown and majors, bring the current number on campus to 37.

  • Noor Abdallah; Columbus High School; Columbus; political science
  • Maxim Bateman; Strong Rock Christian School; Jackson; biology and religion
  • David Burke; Oconee County High School; Bishop; biology and Spanish, pre-med
  • Kayla Costin; William R. Boone High School, Orlando, Florida; animal health
  • Kasra Ghaffari; Buccholz High School; Marietta; computer systems engineering
  • Agustin Lorenzo; Lassiter High School; Marietta; cognitive science
  • Kaya Smith; Cass High School; Cartersville; animal science and biological science
  • Emma Sorckoff; Lassiter High School; Roswell; international affairs
  • Leah Whitmoyer; Tucker High School; Tucker; biological science

The CURO Honors Scholars are enrolled in the UGA Honors Program, which welcomed 718 new students this fall.

For more information about the UGA Honors Program and the scholarships it administers, visit For more information on CURO, visit

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