Amazing Students Profiles

Marcus Hines

Marcus Hines

Whether this Foundation Fellow is studying, volunteering, working or singing, Marcus Hines is one of the busiest and most involved individuals on campus


Albany, Georgia

High School:

Albany High School

Degree objective:

B.S. in Cellular Biology

Expected graduation:

May 2011

University highlights, achievements, awards and scholarships:

My time here on UGA’s campus has been filled with many unforgettable highlights. As an eager but lonely freshman, I was fortunate to be welcomed on campus by three communities: the Bernard Ramsey Scholarship, the CURO Apprenticeship and the Peach State Louise Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. These programs offered a great deal of support not only from the friendly faculty but also from the community of scholars associated with each. As a Bernard Ramsey Scholar, I was surrounded by a peer group of vibrant, intelligent individuals of varied backgrounds. This mix of students broadened my perspective on many issues and some have become very close friends. As a CURO Apprentice, I began conducting research under the guidance of Dr. Tiemeyer and Dr. Wells in the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center my freshman year. I continued in this lab all four years and presented at a number of national, state-wide and local conferences – some of which were under the umbrella of PSLSAMP. This group of minority scholars pursuing STEM disciplines was a valued support system of upper-class mentors. Also, meeting minority professors was inspirational and encouraged me to pursue my professional goals and aspirations. During my sophomore year, I was selected as a Mid-Term Foundation Fellow. I gained another community of highly motivated, amazing scholars who all seem to be well-versed in topics ranging from science and art to politics and world economics. The fellowship also broadened my cultural awareness and world view. I learned much from educational trips to the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, Jamaica and Jordan.

I have enjoyed amazing experiences in many campus organizations and in different roles as a social worker for Mercy Health Center, Honors Ambassador, Dean William Tate Society member, Franklin College Ambassador, administrative chair of the Myers Community Council, CURO TA, and PSLSAMP summer mentor. However, I have dedicated most of my time to the UGA Accidentals. Besides singing locally on campus and around Athens, we also compete in a number of national and international competitions. Last year, we placed third in the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella held in the Lincoln Center in New York City.

Current Employment:

I work as a Campus Campaign Coordinator for Teach For America. Along with three others, I work to bring an overall awareness of the disparity in the quality of education between low income and high income communities while also recruiting seniors to apply. I also work as a science tutor at the Oconee Education and Prep Center.

Family Ties to UGA:

My older brother, Melvin Jr., graduated from UGA in 2006 with a bachelor’s degree in Economics.

I chose to attend UGA because…

…of my brother’s experience and the opportunities presented here at the university. My brother raved about how UGA gives a true collegiate experience: one with a balance between great education and social activities. After researching and visiting as a perspective student, I was impressed with the approachability and friendliness of the faculty and staff. Being selected as a CURO Apprentice and Bernard Ramsey Scholar cemented my decision to attend UGA. I was able to join a lab my first semester, which is unheard of at many institutions, and I gained a community of peer scholars and distinguished faculty members from varied backgrounds.

My favorite things to do on campus are…

…singing in random places around campus. I am a member of the illustrious tenor 1’s of the UGA Accidentals, an all-male a Cappella ensemble. When we aren’t competing in different events around the nation, we sing for various organizations and functions on campus. However, my favorite performances are our impromptu concerts. In the past, we have performed under the arch, in all of the dining and many of the residence halls.  I love seeing the initial confusion on people’s faces after the first note and then feeding off the energy of a huge gathered crowd by the end.

When I have free time, I like…

…to play tennis or racquetball with friends. I also love to go to concerts, watch movies, throw game-night parties and explore new music.

The craziest thing I’ve done is…

..climb the Jamaican Blue Mountains. A couple of interns and I decided to be adventurous and embarked on a five hour uphill trek of the Blue Mountains. We were told that the hike was only worth it if we could see the sunrise at the top of the mountain. So we stayed the evening before in the tent of an unofficial mountain guide and started up the mountain around midnight. However, once we reached the top, we were met with a sky filled with clouds that blocked our view and insanely cold weather.  Dismayed and tired, we spent a couple of hours sleeping in a rundown shack before heading down. Although we never saw the beautiful sunrise, I am still glad that I had the experience.

My favorite place to study is…

…anywhere with friends focused on the same subject material. Whether that is in a study room in my dorm, an MLC room or in someone’s bedroom, I love studying in groups.

My favorite professor is…

…Dr. Pamela Kleiber. As the associate director of Honors, Dr. Kleiber’s love for students is evident. She has been a mentor of mine all four years of my UGA experience. Although very busy, she seems to make time to check in with me. In our weekly CURO classes, she encourages us to think critically about our own research aims and exposes us to research projects across varied disciplines. Outside of class, I sought her advice many times. Whether I had questions about a summer program, opportunities in scholarship or general inquiries about ways to handle my CURO TA position, Dr. Kleiber offered sound advice that informed my decisions. Her mentorship has been a meaningful key to my time at UGA and my future aspirations.

If I could share an afternoon with anyone, I would love to share it with…

…I could only narrow this down to two people: Jesus Christ and Frederick Douglass. To simply have a passing conversation with Jesus would be more than an honor. I have many questions I would love to ask him. I am fascinated with those who defy social constraints and rise to success. Frederick Douglass not only fits this description, but he positively affected the way African Americans were perceived. I would love to pick his brain and gain some insights on his unique rise to prominence.

If I knew I could not fail, I would…

…travel the world as a back-up singer for a year. Singing in sold-out venues around the globe would be a dream come true. Not only would I be exposed to enriching cultural experiences in every country I visited, but I would also get to share my passion for music every day.

If money was not a consideration, I would love to…

…continue enjoying life and pursue a dual MD/PhD degree. My dream career is to practice as an oncologist and investigate the biological mechanisms behind cancer.

The one UGA experience I will always remember will be…

…meeting Mrs. Louise Hollowell and Mrs. Mary Francis Early. As a CURO Apprentice Hollowell Scholar, I honored the late Attorney Hollowell through a speech during the hanging of Holmes’, Hunter’s, and Early’s portraits in the Holmes-Hunter Academic Building. Afterwards, I was able to spend time talking with Mrs. Hollowell and learned a great deal about her history. I also was able to meet Mrs. Early and thank her for her courage. To be in the presence of two women who were known for their benevolent legacy and tireless fight for civil rights was overwhelmingly inspiring and encourages me to reach for greatness.

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