Campus News

PeachCare for Kids

The PeachCare for Kids program is now open to children of state workers, which includes UGA employees.

PeachCare for Kids provides low-cost, comprehensive health care coverage for children younger than age 19. Benefits include regular check-ups and immunizations, sick-child doctor visits, prescriptions, vision care, dental care, hospitalization, mental health, substance abuse services and much more. PeachCare for Kids is administered by the Georgia Department of Community Health.

UGA employees can apply for PeachCare for Kids. Eligibility for the program is determined annually and criteria include family income, Georgia residency, lack of other group coverage and other factors. If approved for PeachCare, employees must cancel their children’s UGA health and dental coverage, if applicable. There is a limited time offer to avoid the six-month waiting period for eligibility.

For complete details about the PeachCare for Kids program including eligibility criteria, frequently asked questions and application materials, read the announcement online