Campus News

Turfgrass specialist details how to get rid of dandelions

Clint Waltz, UGA Cooperative Extension turfgrass specialist, recently spoke with House Beautiful about getting rid of dandelions for good.

“They’re perennial broadleaf weeds that can live for years,” Waltz said. “If you do nothing, you’ll definitely have more dandelions next year because their numerous seeds are dispersed by the wind.”

To help prevent the spread of dandelions, don’t mow grass too short, water correctly and reseed or patch holes in the lawn.

While dandelions can be plucked by hand, they’re easy to control with herbicides. Waltz advises using a product labeled three-way, which will contain active ingredients that have a synergistic effect.

“Let the product do the work, and don’t drown the plant,” Waltz said.